Thursday, March 15, 2007

Look I have a Real blog!!

One that only the people I give it to will know about. ^_^
it contains REAL LIFE information.
none of that wishywashy stuff from my previous blogs.

Anyhow So I was reading the New York Times (what else is new?)
and I came across a couple of articles in the Technology section and of course i was like "well I wanna blog that" so here They are. ^_^

How cell calls and text messages are intercepted: are you concerned yours might be? by ZDNet's Russell Shaw -- Those are the good intercept guys. But that doesn't represent the entire cell phone intercept universe. The odds are vanishingly small that anyone is actually out there intercepting your text messages. But that doesn't mean it cannot be done. In fact, an article posted last week to the online magazine Slate describes how both the good [...]

and don't forget about this one.

Guidelines for Using a Cellphone Abroad by the New York Times's ERIC A. TAUB
Published: March 15, 2007
While Americans have embraced the convenience of using cellphones, trying to dial from overseas often brings surprises.

which is always intersesting ^_^

In the news of my life. (there is none)

oh. I have a new roommate, Ryan.
he's.. alriiiight. I guess. anyhow. I will post more later. I'm sure. lol